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Responsible for keeping St Margaret's Church looking beautiful, the Tuesday Gang meet once a week on Tuesday mornings.  They mow the grass, do other gardening in the grounds and any other DIY maintenance that needs doing in and around the Church.



St. Margaret’s branch of Mother’s Union meets once a month on the third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of August and December) at 2.15 pm in the Parish Centre. We have speakers on a variety of subjects and of course, finish with tea and biscuits.

Membership of the M.U. is open to all who have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity - men as well as women, married or single, with or without children.

If you are interested to learn more about our local friendly, caring group supporting each other and the world-wide work of the Mothers’ Union, please contact Mrs Daryl Kelly tel: 0113 2160767



The principle behind Traidcraft is that the things we sell are geared to give the workers at the “coal face” a decent living.  There is much effort in trying to cut out chains of middle men each taking a cut & living off the back of the worker in the field.   In the very early years there were some problems with the quality of goods available under the Traidcraft label, but these have long been sorted out & quality is now very high.  
At St Margaret’s a stall was set up in 1982 on the initiative of Linda & Graham Fergusson.  A grant was made by the P.C.C. to provide the initial stock.  The idea was to introduce people to the principle of fairly traded goods with the hope that the idea would “catch on” & that eventually the goods would become more widely available.   Items bearing the Fair Trade logo are now regularly available in most supermarkets and many high street shops.  The Co-op stores are a particularly good outlet for Fair Trade products.
Our stall at St. Margaret's Church is currently run on three Sundays every month in the Parish Centre after Sunday morning service.  It mainly sells eats & drinks, such as biscuits, tea, coffee, chocolate, cereals etc. Many other items are available for ordering via the catalogue, including clothing & and paper goods, which can be especially handy for Christmas cards and gifts.  Although wine is fairly traded, we would need a licence to sell this in church. The co-op usually has Fair Trade wine in stock.
The stall “ticks over nicely", making a small profit to enable buying of replacement stock. It beats the supermarket prices consistently with “geobars” & usually with the “cookies”.  The chocolate is of particularly good quality - although not cheap.  The tea and coffee, & cereals are also particularly good.
Anyone who would enjoy playing shops would be welcome in helping on the stall rota.   Ask at the stall for more details.



A group for little ones, their parents and carers - with toys, craft, snack, story and song time.  Drop in anytime between 9:15 and 11am, every Tuesday in term time.  A warm welcome guaranteed - we love seeing old friends & making new ones!  


Rainbows are the youngest members of The Guide Association, aged 5 to 7 years.  Parents can read about the Rainbow Guides on the Girl Guides web site by clicking here (opens new window).

Rainbows also have their own activities area of the Girl Guides web site, (opens a new window) where they can play games, read stories and try activities.

St Margaret's Rainbows meet on Tuesday evenings during term-time only in St Margaret’s Parish Centre.  The meetings include games and crafts appropriate to their age group.

Recent activities have included:

  • - making lollystick teddies

  • - a volcanoes evening, where we found out about these amazing burning mountains

  • - and an exciting drum circle evening, when we discovered everyone has rhythm - even if some of us do 'drum to our own beat'!

We're sorry, but there is a long waiting list for this Rainbows group.

Mums or grown-up big sisters (over 18), have you ever considered volunteering to help with the Rainbows?  We offer full training & support, and qualifying to be a Leader not only helps the Rainbows but can boost your confidence to bring out the best in you too - and it looks great on your CV if you are considering a career working with children!  You can read more about volunteering here (opens a new window).

For further information about St Margaret's Rainbows please contact:

Joanne Hoare
Tel - 0113 2391540


St Margaret’s Church Girlguiding has a Rainbow Guide unit, two Brownie packs and a Guide Company.


Brownies are aged from 7 to 10 years and take part in lots of activities, crafts and games.  They meet once a week, on a Wednesday or a Thursday evening in the Scout and Guide Hut, New Road Side, Horsforth.  On occasions they take part in other events at weekends such as Activity days and trips.

For further information about St Margaret's Brownie packs please contact:

Wednesday Brownies- Joanne Hoare
Tel - 0113 2391540


Thursday Brownies - Denise Holmes

Tel - 07963 933642


Guides meet on a Tuesday and Wednesday to take part in activities for their age group (10 to 14 years).  These include outdoor activities such as camping and canoeing.

For further information about St Margaret's Girl Guides please contact:

Tuesday Guides - Denise Ramsden

Tel - 07486 041594

Group Lead Volunteer

Cassy Simpson & Chris Heath - Contact



Monday 7:40pm - 9.00pm during term time

Section Team Leader: Alastair Dawson - Contact



Monday 6.00pm - 7:20pm during term time

Section Team Leader: Colin Oxley - Contact



Tuesday 6:30pm - 7:30pm during term time

Section Team Leader: Cassy Simpson - Contact 

St Margaret's Church has Scouts, Cubs and Beavers groups that attend church once a month at our youth-oriented Parade service on the second Sunday of the month.


Tel: 0113 258 1719


St Margaret's Church

Church Lane



LS18 5LA



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