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Sponsoring the Floodlights

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Floodlight St Margaret's

St. Margaret’s Church is a major feature of the Horsforth skyline and its award winning floodlighting enhances the attractiveness of the village at night.  However, on average, over the year, it costs around £5.00 to run the floodlights for each evening.

You can help us to keep the floodlights on by sponsoring the running costs for an evening and using that to commemorate some personal or family event or anniversary - but your sponsorship can be anonymous if you wish.

Don’t forget that you need to make your request by the beginning of the month before your chosen date for the dedication to appear in the appropriate monthly Church magazine.


If you would like to sponsor the floodlighting, please download and complete the following form and pass it with your £5.00 donation to the Parish office or arrange a bank transfer at least one month in advance.





Please use a separate form for each floodlighting occasion and make any cheques payable to “St. Margaret’s Church”.


Tel: 0113 258 1719


St Margaret's Church

Church Lane



LS18 5LA



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